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Project Motobecane

I nabbed this ped a couple of weeks ago on accident. When I purchased this ped it didn't have the motor on it, the motor mounts were all bent and wiring ripped up... I spent a couple of hours on it yesterday (Saturday 4th) and got it all buttoned up.

Things I did:
Replaced Engine Mount
Replaced Springs and hook
Retrofitted a dellorto
Fixed Wiring
Fitted a taillight cover for the brake light
Added a car horn

I have to say this bike runs pretty awesome & starts very easy..

The Score

So I missed out on a pugeot Saturday, But my bro scored a 2008 Tomos ST Sunday for a whopping 200bux.

Sorry to all the peeps who missed that deal. 
After a typical Carb Cleaning the Bike was up and running.. .

Weeks End Moped TIme!!!

It was a long weekend for all of the Missing Linkz. One celebrated 30 years of marriage and the others were there to drink the rest of the sizurp. but Sunday 4 out of 5 got together and started cranking on the peds. my 5 star was in "general" need of attention due to my dog chewing all of the wire coming out of my flywheel. Kb's ped was still having issues with his air box and the rest of the guys were there to help out.

 Kb's New air box fashioned out of a Project box from The Shack

Who Knows what to Think of Kb's Project Quickfix

After the wiring on the general was complete and Kb's box was fixed (Nice touch with the yoko ono sticker Buzzkill230rc) we were off for a short ride around the local community college. here are some other pics from the weeks end moped time

Closed Caskets making sweet eye lovin to the camera

The first time i pounded a whole "The Hat" chili cheese fry

Kb's Project Quickfix and is it me or does he look like Bam Bam Bigelow

A mans work bench

The Linkz will Ride Again....

My Daily Ride 1978 Puch Maxi MKII

This was my first Moped. Its a 1978 Puch Maxi MKII
It started life as a Gold Maxi (seen below)

Purchased my first moped
After about a week of owning it, I decided to start to work on it. 
I stripped the bike down and had it powder coated.
Sand blasted and ready for a new color
Within 1 day i got the frame back and started the rebuild process.
Rebuilding the Maxi 
Here's the end result. (kinda)
Since the last update I have added the tank decals, 15mm carb and Hi-Comp head.

100.00 Moped

I picked up this diamond in the rough for 100 bux, running status was unknown upon purchase.

I got it home fueled it up and turned it over, it started!
1978 Sachs Balboa

 After I got it running, I fabricated an air box for it to breath right and sold it for 200 bux.
UPDATE: The Bike has been painted blue, I will post pictures of it soon.

Latest Aquisition - Project FA50

For whatever reason I started looking on craigslist for a Suzuki FA50.. After about 2 mins of searching I found this ad for a blue Suzuki FA50 asking price 125.00.. So I emailed the guy and ended up picking up the bike for 50 BUX.

It's running status was unknown and the guy said it wold need re-wiring, he also mentioned he was gonna turn it into a chopper but ran out of time..(geesh)
So far I have invested in cleaning out the carb, also purchased a set of used forks for it as well as a new set of brakes.

Total cost 120.00

Brothers 78 Tomos Sport

My brother purchased this bike as a rolling chassis, slowly I helped him find an A3, the exhaust, coil, carb and tail light.. Finally after almost 2 months we got it running. (Thanks to Shaun @ Myrons Mopeds) he helped us with the fly wheel and points.
2 Months Prior to running

 Check out my Bro on his maiden voyage!

1978 Puch Maxi

I picked up this GEM free! Some lady saw me walking with my moped during a carshow in Covina and asked me if I wanted a moped she had sitting in her garage.

Test Post

This is a test post.

PEDS Trailer from John Mahoney on Vimeo.

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