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Latest Aquisition - Project FA50

For whatever reason I started looking on craigslist for a Suzuki FA50.. After about 2 mins of searching I found this ad for a blue Suzuki FA50 asking price 125.00.. So I emailed the guy and ended up picking up the bike for 50 BUX.

It's running status was unknown and the guy said it wold need re-wiring, he also mentioned he was gonna turn it into a chopper but ran out of time..(geesh)
So far I have invested in cleaning out the carb, also purchased a set of used forks for it as well as a new set of brakes.

Total cost 120.00

Brothers 78 Tomos Sport

My brother purchased this bike as a rolling chassis, slowly I helped him find an A3, the exhaust, coil, carb and tail light.. Finally after almost 2 months we got it running. (Thanks to Shaun @ Myrons Mopeds) he helped us with the fly wheel and points.
2 Months Prior to running

 Check out my Bro on his maiden voyage!

1978 Puch Maxi

I picked up this GEM free! Some lady saw me walking with my moped during a carshow in Covina and asked me if I wanted a moped she had sitting in her garage.

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PEDS Trailer from John Mahoney on Vimeo.

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